
<a href=" - Piebald Teropita" class="display-item">015 - Piebald Teropita</a>

015 - Piebald Teropita

Category: Index

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1 Research Note

This social avian can be found in the canopies in the Nuii region of the Kiah rainforests, where it feeds on fruit and nuts in large flocks. Its powerful bill can crack open even the most difficult nuts and rinds. The teropita's long tail makes an excellent rudder during flight, and the claws on its wings are used to grip and climb through branches to reach its food. Unfortunately, the Nuiian teropita has been difficult to find, and may be critically endangered.

Size: 20-30 in / 50-76 cm



Jungle Expedition 2022

<a href=" - Dusky Volan" class="display-item">016 - Dusky Volan</a>

016 - Dusky Volan

Category: Index

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1 Research Note

This nocturnal vertebrate, known as a volan, is a proficient glider that makes its home among Kiah's dense canopies. Using its prehensile tail to rest safely during the day, its fur, containing special endosymbiotic plant cells, both camouflages it and provides energy via photosynthesis. At night, it glides between trees, seeking out night-blooming flowers that it feeds on the nectar from with its long tongue.

Size: 12-15 in / 30-38 cm



Jungle Expedition 2022

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" - Melanistic Volan" class="display-item">017 - Melanistic Volan</a>

017 - Melanistic Volan

Category: Index

Artist: NeonSlushie

Resale Value: 1 Research Note

This nocturnal vertebrate, known as a volan, is a proficient glider that makes its home among Kiah's dense canopies. Using its prehensile tail to rest safely during the day, its fur, containing special endosymbiotic plant cells, both camouflages it and provides energy via photosynthesis. At night, it glides between trees, seeking out night-blooming flowers that it feeds on the nectar from with its long tongue.

Size: 12-15 in / 30-38 cm



Jungle Expedition 2022

163 results found.